Thursday, February 26, 2009

Draft cerpen 'Biar Putih Mata Hitam, Jangan Hitam Mata Hati'

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Untuk Festival Kesenian Islam ni Tuah nak masuk pertandingan cerpen. Saja2 je nak cuba2 kebolehan menulis Tuah. Tak kisahlah menang atau tak, tapi kalau menang lagi best, tapi cuma nak tahu Tuah ada bakat tulis cerpen ke tak. Dan lagi sekali Tuah nak mintak pendapat para pembaca blog tentang cerpen Tuah ni.

Insyaallah Tuah akan postkan cerpen tu kat blog ni tapi memandangkan belum siap, so Tuah postkan draft cerpen ni dulu. Moga2 ada tindak balas berupa cadangan dan teguran dari anda untuk meng'upgrade' cerpen ni supaya lebih mantap.

Harap2 lepas baca draft ni anda akan bantu Tuah sama2 meng'upgrade' cerpen ni dengan memberi komen kepada Tuah secepat mungkin.

  • Dilahirkan dalam suasan perang antara Palestin dan Israel meletus.
  • Kematian bapa akibat perang ketika dalam kandungan.
  • Ibu yang sudah tua dan sakit akibat makanan yang tidak sihat.
  • Punya anak belajar di sekolah rendah.
  • Telah 10 tahun jadi tali barut Israel.
  • Pernah cuba untuk pergi perang, tapi panglima perang Palestin tidak izin kerana tiada siapa yang boleh menjaga ibunya yang sudah uzur.
  • Akibat kecewa langsung tidak lagi berminat menyertai perang walau sudah beristeri.
  • Sebab jadi tali barut kerana nak bagi anak isteri makan makanan yang sihat dan cukup zat supaya tidak sakit seperti ibu dan tidak sanggup meninggalkan keluarga.
  • Isteri mati ketika ikut berperang sebagai pengganti suami yang tidak mahu menyertai perang dan malu dengan sikap suaminya.
  • Pernah berpikir untuk berubah ketika terharu dengan puisi "Kami Peduli" yang dibacakan anak pada hari penyampaian hadiah di sekolah.
  • Juga ditegur ibu agar ikut perang kerana keluarga dan ibu boleh dijaga oleh isteri jika syahid.
  • Tidak disukai jiran tetangga, rakan dan saudara mara sebab takut ikut perang dan mementingkan diri.
  • Suatu hari, ibu mati kerana bekalan ubat yang dijanjikan sudah habis.
  • Anaknya menyertai kumpulan mujahid kanak2 dan mati selepas seminggu ibunya mati, marah dengan kematian neneknya.
  • Jadi, tiada lagi alasan dan halangan untuk ikut perang, berikrar pertahankan bumi Palestin.
  • So, jumpa panglima untuk ikut perang serta reveal segala informasi yang diperoleh sepanjang jadi tali barut.
  • Akhirnya, syahid mempertahankan Masjidil Aqsa daripada diceroboh tentera Yahudi.
Sekian sampai sini. Komen segera eh...

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Kami Peduli

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Puisi ni juga untuk pertandingan deklamasi puisi anjuran KUBI pada Mac 2009. Tuah tengah cuba nak cuba uji try test mana yang terbaik, then Tuah hantar untuk competition tu. Kalau dah baca tolong comment kat emel Tuah Terima kasih.

Kami Peduli

by Al-Tuah Al-Shahab, 12.05 pagi, 24 Februari 2009

Ketika suria menyinari bumi,
tiada siapa peduli,
ketika suria menghilang di malam hari,
tiada siapa peduli,
ketika laut pasang surut sendiri,
tiada siapa peduli,
ketika hujan turun ke bumi,
tiada siapa peduli.

Siapa yang peduli,
jika pagi bulan yang terbit,
jika laut tidak pasang lagi,
jika hujan tidak turun lagi.
Kamilah yang peduli.

Kami peduli,
pada diri kami,
harta benda kami,
kaum keluarga kami,
bangsa dan negara kami,
jatuh bangunnya agama kami.

Kami juga peduli,
apa terjadi atas muka bumi ini,
pada makhluk di dunia ini,
pada rakyat yang dizalimi,
pada mereka yang dikasihi,
di Palestin saudara kami,
di Iraq keluarga kami,
di Afghanistan sahabat kami,
di mana-mana pun kami,
kami tetap peduli.

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Monday, February 23, 2009

The Differences Between Twilight The Novel & Twilight The Movie

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

This is the differences between Twilight novel and the movie. I haven't read this myself bcoz haven't the noel yet (hoping tonight will be the night). So, let me know if you see something wrong somewhere. This is what I found from this blog: So, enjoy!

* In the book, Edward mentions how 'twilight' is the "safest time of day for us[vampires]". The time of actual twilight is never made significant or mentioned in the movie

* In the book, Forks High School is a cluster of separated buildings. In the movie, it is just one typical enclosed building.

* In the movie the heroin line "Isabella Swan: So what your saying is, I'm your brand of heroin?

Edward Cullen: Yes, you are exactly my brand of heroin." is changed to "your scent, it's like a drug to me... my own personal brand of heroin...."

* Most of the integral conversations from the book were clipped short and almost trivialized in the movie. Bella never seemed embarrassed in the movie.

* There is no Ben Cheney in the movie. There is also no Lauren Mallory.

* Mr. Banner (biology teacher) from the book has been re-named to Mr. Molina in the movie.

* In the movie, there is a golden onion.

* Edward does a trick with an apple in a cafeteria scene in the movie.

* All the Cullen family members wear "the Cullen family crest" somewhere on them at all times in the movie.

* In the book, Bella's cell phone didn't work in Forks.

* Emmett's Jeep is white in the movie. In the book, it's red.

* Waylon Forge is a new character that is Charlie's friend. Victoria and James kill him.

* Jasper is right-handed in the movie. He is left-handed in the book.

* Angela goes to Prom with Eric.

* In the movie, Prom is held in a B&B called View Point Inn instead of the high-school gym.

* In the movie, you see Phil in Arizona before Bella leaves.

* Charlie's house in Forks has a dishwasher.

* In the Baseball Scene in the movie the Cullens wear jerseys and hats instead of normal clothes.

* The scene in the biology room where they do the blood typing is missing in the movie.

* In the book Twilight, Bella reveals that she knows Edward is a vampire in the car on the way back to Forks from Port Angeles; for the movie this revelation was moved to the meadow.

* New Movie Scene: Phoenix, Arizona, Bella's house. In the book it starts off with her going to the airport. We get to see Bella's house in the movie and things happen there. Renee & Phil are packing the car to take her to the airport, Bella unplants a cactus from in front of her home and puts it in a pot. She has the potted cactus in her hands when she enters her room in Forks, but it disappears quickly.

* In the book Twilight, Bella was using a CD Player instead of an iPod.

* In the book, Rosalie drives a red BMW M3, in the movie, she drives a Mercedes.

* In the book, Bella cooks for Charlie every night. In the movie, they go to the diner every night.

* In the movie, when they are in Edward's room and he says "You really shouldn't have said that," they jump out the door. In the book, they sit on the couch.

* In the book, Bella finds out about the truck while she is riding in Charlie's police cruiser and Charlie doesn't talk about the truck nor that Bella had been saving money to buy a car herself. In the movie, Bella doesn't see the truck at the house until after Billy and Jacob deliver it.

* In the movie, Edward and Bella's first kiss is in Bella's room. In the book, their first kiss is near the meadow.

* In the book, Victoria has fire red hair, while James and Laurent have short, cropped hair. Also, Laurent is described as having olive toned skin, and James' hair is brown in the book. Their appearances are different in the movie.

* In the book, James reveals information about Alice's past; they make no reference to that in the movie.

* They didn't mention Jasper's ability in the movie.

* In the book, Jacob tells Bella all the legends of his tribe and she learns from him that Edward is a vampire; in the movie, Jacob tells her only part of the story and she finds the rest out from a book she buys in Port Angeles; in the Twilight book, Bella never buys a book from the book store in Port Angeles.

* In the book, it is only after another student opens the door that Edward realizes that Bella is standing in behind him in the office on the first day. In the movie Edwards seems to smell her as soon as she enters the room.

* In the book, Emmett,Rosalie, Alice and Jasper attend the prom. In the movie they are not there.

* In the book, Alice helps Bella get ready for the prom. In the movie Bella seems to get ready by herself, as all of her clothes is mismatched and casual-something that would never happen if Alice had helped out.

* In the movie, the Cullen's house is modern looking that's black and brown. In the book, its old and white.

* In the book, Bella tells Edward that he dazzles people while they are having dinner in Port Angeles. In the movie she never mentions it.

* In the movie when Bella gets away from Alice and Jasper to meet up with James, she ditches them in the hotel lobby. They never even go to the airport like in the book.

* When Bella sees Jacob at the prom in the movie, he hasn't grown signifigantly like in the book.

* In the movie there is no mention of Jacob fixing up the Rabbit or when Billy bribes him with auto parts to get him to warn Bella at the prom. Instead, in the movie Jacob is given $20 instead of the car part.

* In the movie Victoria secretly stalks Edward and Bella at the prom.

* The resturant Bella and Edward in the movie is not Italian and the scene goes much differently than in the book.

* In the movie, Edward never invites Bella to sit with him at lunch leaving the rest of Bella's friends jealous.

* In the movie there is no "sadie hawkins" dance, only the prom.

* In the movie, Bella has a new-looking Apple laptop. In the book, she has an old desktop computer.

* In the movie, Bella's truck is quiet. In the book, it is loud and everyone can hear it.

* In the book, when Edward saves Bella from being crushed by the truck, it's before school. In the movie, this happens after school.

* In the book, Bella had said she was going to 'Seattle'. In the movie, she said she was going to 'Jacksonville', even though it was still to early for her to know that her mother had moved to Jacksonville permanently.

* In the book, Bella isn't worried about how old her truck is, and knows it won't attract attention. In the movie, people make fun of how ancient her truck is.

* In the book, Charlie put chains on Bellas truck tires, and he hadn't told her about it. In the movie, Charlie put winter tires on the truck instead, and told her before she left for school.

* In the book, Angela isn't happy about going to the dance with Eric. In the movie, she hopes that he will ask her to the dance.

* In the book, Edward gets Ben to ask Angela to the dance, in the movie, Angela asks Eric.

* In the book, Tyler tells everyone that he is taking Bella to Prom, without her permission. In the movie, there is no mention of this.

* In the book, Bella swaps clothes with Esme to throw off the "tracker"'s (James') scent. In the movie, Rosalie puts on Bella's jacket and runs through the forest to throw off the scent.

* During the hospital scene in the book, Edward says that he will stay with Bella "as long as it is best for her", this is a crucial part of New Moon. But was not in the movie.

* In the book, Edward takes Bella in to Carlisle's study and shows her the paintings and tells her about the Volturi and about their pasts. In the movie, this doesn't happen.

* Alice doesn't walk in with Jasper and say "We thought you were having Bella for lunch, we wanted to know if you would share?"

* In the movie, there is no hunting trip, therefore Edward doesn't leave Bella a note telling her to "Be Safe" while he is away like there is in the book.

* In the movie, Bella does not leave her jacket in Jessica's car, forcing her to wear Edward's.

* Jessica does not have curly hair in the movie, but in the book, Bella says that she does.

* In the movie, Bella doesn't dare Edward to eat human food.

* In the book, Edward didn't know that James and Victoria were together, a crucial point in the next two books with Edward saying that he would've known that Victoria would've come back if he would've known that they were "mates", whereas in the movie, James and Victoria walk away with James' arm draped over her shoulder.

* In the book, Bella was afraid of riding on Edward's back as they ran, whereas in the movie, she appeared excited and not frightened at all.

* Bella and Jacob never sat on what became referred to as their log during the other books when Jacob told Bella the story. They were walking in the movie when he told her.

* In the movie, she never "flirts" with Jacob to get him to tell her his tribe's legends.

* In the book, Jacob danced with Bella, with Edward's consent while telling her what Billy bribed him to say. In the movie, this never occurred.

* In the book, it is stated that Billy is unable to drive. In the movie, this can be clearly seen when Edward is driving away from Bella's house.

* In the book, Billy and Charlie fought over the Cullens, whereas in the movie, this never happened.

* In the book, Bella and Renee e-mailed one another as a form of communication, this was never mentioned in the movie, although there is a scene where Renee is calling Bella on a payphone.

* In the movie, Edward and Bella never actually say "I love you", in the book, it is mentioned for the first time after she said it in her sleep and they say it quite a few times after.

* In the movie, they didn't include the scenes with Jasper and Bella, where he tells her that she is worth fighting for, and Alice tells her that "they who have been with Edward for so long" can see the changes in him, and none of them want to look at him for the next hundred years knowing he lost her.

* In the movie (when Edward takes Bella to his house), all of the Cullens are cooking "Italian food" just for Bella (because they think she is Italian). When when Edward says Bella has already ate, Rosalie breaks a bowl with her bare hands. Nothing remotely close to this happens in the book.

* James bites Bella's wrist in the movie; in the book he bites the palm of her hand.

* In the book, Edward has a silver S60R, in the movie, he has a silver C30.

* In the book, Alice is supposed to be short. In the movie, she is almost as tall as Bella.

* In the book, Emmet has curly hair In the movie his hair is straight.

* In the book, Angela has blond hair in the movie she has brown.

* In the book, Alice has black hair in the movie she has brown-red hair.

* In the book, Charlie has curly hair (that is where Renesmee gets her curly ringlets), in the movie he does not.

* In the movie, Bella starts school later in the year.

* In the movie, the meadow scene is completely different from the meadow described scene in the book.

* In the movie, Bella dosen't faint in Biology class like she does in the book.

* In the movie, the Cullens eat during lunch. In the book, they never eat at all.

* In the book, Carlisle looks unbelievebly young, in the movie, he looks older.

* In the movie, there is a field trip where in the book there is no field trip

* In the movie, when Edward and Bella go to the resturaunt, the waitress was some pretty girl who Edward dazzles with his smile. This causes Bella to ask something along the lines of do you just dazzle everyone with your smile. This causes the famous line "Do I dazzle you?" This never happens in the movie.

* In the book it does not show James, Victoria, or Laurent until the baseball scene. In the movie they show them from the very beginning.

* In the book, Bella has lunch, Biology, and then Gym. In the movie, they show her in gym class, then in lunch, and then in Bio.

* In the book, the cabinets in Bella's kitchen are yellow (her mom painted them yellow to bring 'sunshine' to Forks.) In the movie, they are white.

* In the book, Edward has a black leather couch with a golden rug and dark heavy fabric hung on the wall. In the movie, he has a white chaise lounge with white walls.

* In the movie, the waitress is seen taking away a soup cup. Soup was never mentioned in the book.

* The drive and "walk" to the meadow for the first time is not in the movie.

* In the movie Bella arrives at her first day of school while everyone was in the parking lot, in the book she arrived early before everyone else.

* In the movie there's no mention of the Denali family, this is where Laurant goes to when he leaves after warning them about James in the book.

* In the Book when Bella goes to the Cullen's house she is wearing a Khaki and a dark blue blouse, but in the movie she is jeans, a green top, and a jacket.

* In the movie Bella brings a cactus with her to Forks, in the book there is no mention of a cactus, but she has one in her hands when she enters her bedroom in Forks with Charlie.

* In the book, the car (Carlisle's) that Alice, Jasper and Bella leave in to get away from James, is said to have dark tinted windows. In the movie they don't seem to be tinted at all.

* In the movie when Bella and her friends go to First Beach, there are people surfing, in the book they visit the rock pools, and there is no mention of surfing

* In the movie Rosalie drives a red Mercedes convertible, in the book it is a red BMW M3.

* In the movie James does not mention Alice's past, therefore screwing themselves into a corner because Victoria cannot provide proper closure like James, the actual hunter could have.

* In the movie, when Carlisle and his family meets James, Victoria, and Laurent, Carlisle just says "This is my family". In the book, he introduces them one by one by their names

* In the book Edward shot questions at Bella at one point about random things but in the movie this scene is gone.

* In the book, Edward is supposedly taking Bella to Seattle, to get her out of going to the dance (instead he runs through the meadow and shows her why he can't go out in sunlight). In the movie this never happens and he shows her the day she said he was a vampire, after school.

* In the book, on the way home from dinner in Port Angeles, Edward explains what it's like to be a vampire. In the movie, she tells him she thinks he's a vampire one day after school and finds out details in other parts of the movie.

* In the book, Bella is said to be wearing a deep blue, frilly off the shoulder dress to the prom with a stiletto heel with satin ribbon. In the movie, she is wearing a blue, halter-top dress with a sweater, gray leggings and a Converse high-top.

* In the movie her father gives her pepper spray which she sprays James with later in the movie. There is no mention of this in the book.

* In the book, on the way to the prom, Bella finds out that Edward is actually taking her to prom. There is no mention of this in the movie and she seems to have known she was going.

* In the book, Bella and Edward have "days" where they each ask about eachother. There is no mention of this in the movie.

* In the movie, Victoria says two lines during the baseball scenes, which Bella hears. But in the book, she doesn't speak at all. And in Eclipse, Bella talks about how Victoria's voice surprised her because of how girly and high-pitched it sounded.

* In the book, James called Bella to go to her house in Phoenix, and told her to call the number next to the phone. In the movie, she was told to go straight to the ballet studio.

* In the book, Bella found the ornamental cross in the Cullen's house ironic and mentions this to Edward. In the movie, she just passed by it, without a comment.

* Bella learned about Carlisle's history from Edward in the book. They never mentioned it in the movie.

* Edward told Bella that he and Emmett go hunting at the south of Rainier at one point of the book. Bella asks Charlie about the place, but it was not mentioned in the movie.

* In the book, Bella writes a note to Edward saying that James has her mom and she has to try to save her. However, in the movie, she writes no note at all and just goes to the studio.

* In the book, Bella tells Jessica that Edward 'drives like a maniac'. In the movie, she didn't seem to mind.

* In the movie, Jasper is seen in the class field trip. He is not supposed to be with Edward and Alice as he poses as a senior, not a junior.

* In the scene where Mike tells Bella that he doesn't like her being with Edward, she just shrugs it off. In the book, she tells him off for interfeiring.

* In the book, Bella was interrogated by Jessica is she and Edward are secretly dating. In the movie, Jessica didn't seem to care.

* In the movie, Bella and Edward drive Emmett's jeep all the way to the clearing where they played baseball. In the book, they ran a few miles to the clearing, with Bella gripping on Edward, causing him to say, "Bella you will be the death of me! I swear you will!!!"

* In the scene where Tyler's van nearly hits Bella, her truck gets dented. In the book, the car next to her truck gets dented instead.

* Victoria doesn't talk in the book but in the movie she does

* In the book Alice tells Bella how a person becomes a vampire as Edward doesn't want her to know but Edward tells her in the movie

* In the movie Edward walks off straight after saving Bella from Tyler's truck but in the book he stays with her

* In the book, while Edward tells Bella to put her hair down, Alice tells him, "That won't help, I could smell her across the field." In the movie, Rosalie says this.

* In the movie, after Edward jumps out of the window, he calls Bella Spidermonkey. He had never called her spidermonkey in the book.

* In the movie, when Jacob tells Bella of the legends between his tribe and the Cullens', there is a cut-scene of Edward, Carlisle, Rosalie and Emmett feeding on an animal. In the book it is stated that Esme was turned before Rosalie, meaning that Esme would be there in Emmetts place.

* In the book after the incident with the van Edward undented the van, but in the film he did this later.

* In the movie Rosalie calls Emmett her 'Monkey Man', In the book she doesn't say that.

* All through the movie there is lots of random small talk which doesn't happen in the book.

* In the Book after every Biology class Edward leaves the classroom quickly (Except for when bella and edward become closer). In the Movie Edward walks with Bella out of Class.

reposted from:

That's all for this time, thanks.

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Puisi Ummiku

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Puisi ni untuk pertandingan deklamasi puisi anjuran KUBI pada Mac 2009. Kalau dah baca tolong comment kat emel Tuah Terima kasih.

by Al-Tuah Al-Shahab, 9.08 pagi, 22 Februari 2009

Dialah ummiku,

embun penyejuk bagi jiwa yang hangat,

cahaya penerang bagi jiwa yang gelap,

pensyarah bagi jiwa yang kosong,

tanpa ijazah mahupun gelaran.

mengalunkan ayat-ayat cinta,

ketika cinta mula bertasbih,

ketika bersimpuh di atas sejadah cinta,

ketika bersemayam dalam mihrab cinta,

ketika cinta berbuah syurga,

ketika pudarnya pesona Cleopatra,

demi mencari redha dari-Nya,

Tuhan sekalian alam sekalian makhluk.

Apakah ketikaku,

sudah mengecap kebahagiaan dunia,

sudah bertimbun harta dunia,

sudah mencapai kejayaan menggunung,

apakah daku ingat pada ummiku,

guru pertamaku,

ustazah pertamaku,

guru besar pertamaku,

lecturer pertamaku,

dekan pertamaku di fakulti pertamaku,

apakah daku lupa akan janjiku pada tuhanku,

menjaga ummiku hingga akhir hayatku,

dikala suka mahupun duka,

ketika angin dunia menerjah laju,

tidak akan daku lupakanmu,

wahai ummiku,

ummiku yang satu.

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Semester baru a.k.a. Sem 2

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Sem baru, buku baru, group baru, time table baru, subject baru, suasan baru dan seksa pun baru. Yang lama hanya tinggal faculty and hostel. Tabiat dan perangai tak tahulah dah baru or still yang lama. Apa yang pasti, sem ke-2 daripada 7 semester kat UnPad ni akan dilalui dengan 1001 macam cerita suka dan duka mahupun kesenangan dan kesengasaraan. Takut pula bila sebut kesengsaraan. Macam sem baru ni akan memberikan kesengasaraan kepada Tuah. Masa sem 1 dulu seksa rasanya nak membiasakan diri dengan Sistem Kredit Semester (SKS) yang memeningkan tu, tapi sekarang dah faham (rasanya) dah. Sekarang dah tahu how is exam, lecture, lab activity, tutorial and kemahasiswaan or kokurikulum tu sebenarnya. Nasib baik masuk sem 2 ni tak ada orientasi macam masa awal 1st sem dulu. Kalau ada lagi memang masak la jawabnya.

Yang bestnya pasal sem 2 ni antaranya subject baru sem ni, iaitu reproduction. Memang best seperti yang dijangka sebelum ni. Tapi, yang menjadi problem subject ni adalah budak perempuan. Sebabnya, waktu discussion bila2 and kat mana2 pun, bila cerita pasal kemaluan or sex stuff je diorang mesti segan2 dan malu2 plak. Tuah tak tau la kalau ada budak laki yang macam tu juga, tapi Tuah cool je. Bukan kita cerita pasal nak buat sex or benda2 lucah, even ada belajar erection, orgasm and ejaculation, tapi cuma nak study pasal system repro je. Rilex and sempoi sudah, right?

Buku2 baru pun banyak juga, siap berjilid2 lagi. Ketebalan dan kemahalan setiap buku tak perlu ceritalah. Ada macam2 tajuk antaranya Williams Obstetrics, Berek & Noac's Gynecology dan banyak lagi. Tapi, ada juga buku lama yang masih digunakan. So, tak perlulahlah nak beli semua buku baru.

Jadual baru pun ingatkan lebih singgang dari sem 1, tapi makin sesak dan padat. Kelas yang penting pula cuma 2 jam seminggu, yang lain cuma tambahan. Well even tak berapa penting untuk repro tapi tetap ada exam untuk every kelas, so still important, right? So, memang rasa malas nak pegi kelas tapi tetap perlu juga.

After all, study still on, class still perlu pegi juga, assignment still kena buat juga dan rehat pun mesti secukupnya, tak lebih tak kurang. Kalau jadi medical student tak rasa seksa macam ni tak medical student la namanya. Bak kat Han-Je Hyun dari tv series Fullhouse, “Aza aza fighting!”

Waakhirul, salam study dari Tuah untuk semua student Malaysia especially yang study oerseas or lebih tepat lagi kat Indonesia dan terutamanya kat Bandung di UnPad more precisely. Study rajin2 dan jangan buang duit study abroad dan jauh dari family tapi takde hasil, orait? Sampai sini je lah untuk kali ini. Sekian.

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Lana Lang & Clark Kent

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Kepada semua peminat Smallville, Tuah ada pengumuman nak buat. Dalam episode 14 season 8 entitled 'Requem', ada berita sedih bagi yang nak tengok the most powerfull couple have happily ever after relationship. Lex yang baru je mati dalam episode ni, dibunuh dalam truck at Metropolis by Oliver Queen a.k.a. Green Arrow telah merancang benda ni dah lama sebelum dia hilang. Ini disebabkan special suit yang dipakai Lana yang bagi super power kat dia (super speed & super strength) akan menyerap semua Kryptonite sehingga menjadikan Lana as human kryptonite. Maka, dengan ini Clark takkan dapat nak rapat dengan Lana even dalam 3 meter.

So, kalau dah nak rapat pun tak boleh, paham2 je lah. Memang sedih tengok babak kat bangsal kat rumah Clark tu. Because of that, Lana akan menghilangkan diri dari Clark bagi mengelak untuk get too close with Clark, sebab Clark degil gila nak couple gak even dah tak boleh rapat.

Ada hikmahnya benda alah ni macam ni. Kalau Clark still ingat kat Lana, macam mana dengan cinta sejati dia kat Lois Lane. Sebab, sebelum kemunculan semula Lana kat walimatul urus Cloe & Jamie, Clark dengan Lois dah nak make up dah. Tapi tiba2 Lana datang dan kacau scene dua real couple wanna be tu nak kissing. Well, memang susah Clark nak lupakan 1st loe dia tu, Tuah pun prefer Lana gak, haha. So, mungkin lepas ni Clark akan lebih focus kat Lois kot, I really hope so, hehe.

By the way, Tuah memang respect kat Lex yang really super smart dengan merancang semua ni. Kalau nak kata Lex ada power, mesti power dia adalah kepandaian dia. Nasib baik Lex dah mati, kalau tak memang Superman akan mati ditangan Lex before Smallville series ni end. Well, that's all for now. Tengoklah episode ni, sangat digalakkan.

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Futsal-lah Pulak

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

World Cup 2010 kat South Africa nextyear, so in the mean time bolehlah tengok Champion Leage for 2009 and 2010. Tapi, setakat menonton orang main je mesti tak cukup puas melainkan kita sendiri yang main, especially final match. Janganlah nak mimpi nak main masa final world cup 2010 nanti sebab Malaysia dah tak layak nak masuk pun, dan layak ke nak wakil negara even Malaysia layak?

So, banyaklah game yang dianjurkan untuk membolehkan ramai orang dapat main cuma tak seprestij final world cup. Starting 15/2 ni selama sebulan akan diadakan pertandingan futsal anjuran Kelab UMNO Cawangan Bandung (KUBI). Well, sebab taknak ketinggalan Tuah pun join gak even barely good in footbal, wakaka! Group Tuah nama Mock-A-Junior, 10 members: Tuah (substriker), Ato as captain (top striker), Kudin as manager (last man defender) , Raop assistant manager (backup striker), Akmal coach (subdefender), Azrinas (midfielder), Kacak (subdefender), Aiman (submidfielder), Luqman (submidfielder) & Ashak (goalkeeper).

Pada 1st match, Mock-A-Junior vs SuperPet (Twp08). Selepas mendahului dengan 2 gol menerusi Ato & Raop tidak sampai 10 minit perlawanan, kitorg pulak dibolosi 2 gol sebelum tamat halftime15 minit. Selepas rehat, kitorg dibolosi dengan 1 gol sehingga tamat perlawanan dengan result 2-3 tewas. Apa yang membengangkan kitorang dah lead by 2 gol tapi lawan segera bangkit dari ketinggalan dan meneruskan penguasaan dengan menambah 1 gol lagi. Mungkin kerana masing2 dah penat, so kitorang just macam biar je kalah sebab dah tak larat nak main.

Tapi, kalah sekali tak bermakna kalah lagi sekali lagi dan sekali lagi dan sekali lagi yang akan menjadikan kalah 3 kali. Ahad ni 22/2 kitorang jumpa Twp07 plak. Dengan perancangan rapi dan strategi2 yang telah dipelajari sepanjang minggu ni, kitorang tak berharap menang besar, asal menang cukup, taknak seri apalagi kalah.

Akhir kata, tolonglah doa2kan kejayaan Mock-A-Junior untuk menang every match after this until qualify to super leage and seterusnya ke semi, final dan terus menang kejohanan ni een kitorang 1st time join. Don't 'mock the junior' because there are not really a junior.

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Selamat Hari Jadi Raudhah!

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Post kali ini ditujukan khas untuk adik Tuah. Sikit je nak cakap ni...cuma nak ucapkan kat adik perempuan Tuah yang seorang ni, yang bernama Sharifah Raudhah Al-Shahab...


yang jatuh pada tanggal 18 Februari 2009 iaitu hari ini. Semoga panjang umur dan murah rezeki, serta dikabulkan doa dan diterima amal ibadatnya. Rajin2kan diri untuk solat sunat dan study elok2, jangan sampai nanti menyusahkan hati umi dan abah serta semua orang yang senantiasa mengharapkan kejayaan anda. Orait?!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

After Exam a.k.a. Masa Cuti

Assalamualaikum warahatullahi wabarakatuh,

Pertama sekali di sini Tuah nak memanjatkan kesyukuran ke hadrat Allah azzawajalla di atas limpah kurnia dan inayah-Nya dapatlah Tuah menjawab exam final sem 1 yang lepas dengan jayanya (rasanya dengan jayanya). Dipendekkan cerita, maksudnya sekarang dah cutilah, hahaha. Sebab, setiap habis exam especially final exam mesi cuti panjang.Tapi, malangnya bagi student UNPAD 1st year batch 2008 dan mungkin batch yang lain pun sama agaknya, hanya bercuti seminggu je, sebab fakulti kedekut cuti. Orang dah penat memerah otak sebulan penuh ni bagi la cuti sebulan penuh or 2 bulan terus. Adoiyai!

So, disebabkan cuti pendek je, maka Tuah ambil keputusan untuk tidak pulang ke Malaysia, even miss Malaysia so much, especially masakan Umi. Tapi, ramai gak sudent 1st year yang pulang. Sampai tinggal 15 orang je daripada 105 orang overall yang menetapkan keteguhan di dada untuk stay je sepanjang cuti seminggu ni.

Cite pasal exam lepas memang tension. Even dah study mpi thp 'gila2' pun masih tak boleh jawab. Memang tak susah, sebab kalau susah masih boleh jawab lagi. Ini dah sampai tahap tak bleh jawab dah. Tapi tak semua paper yang macam, cuma FBS3 je rasanya. Yang lain ok je, hehe. FBS3 tu memang rasa macam soalan untuk doktor yang dah grad baru boleh jawab, gila ke apa? Exm CRP cuma letih menunggu giliran kena panggil jawab exam je, tapi boleh confirm A. FBS4 and Compre FBS3&4 pun easy sebab banyak keluar soalan pastyear. Compre FBS1&2 boleh tahan susah gak sebab banyak dah lupa sebab dah lebih 2 bulan tinggalkan. Exam SOOCA dapat kes HDN, dah prepare habis dah, tapi masa exam tak boleh buat plak. Tak macam exam OSCE, memang senang. Dalam 7 rooms, 2 rooms je yang tak confirm pass, yang lain bleh kata fullmark jugaklah. But, overall rasany ok la untuk 1st sem ni, hihi.

Itu semua cerita pasal exam, ni pulak cerita pasal lepas exam a.k.a masa cuti. Bosannya memang tahap melampau. Mula dirasai pada hari ke-5 cuti sebab dah takde benda nak buat dah. Sebelum cuti ada terfikir nak try khatam Al-Quran, nak habiskan novel Inggeris and Indonesia lah, nak tengok semua movie yang belum tegoklah, or nak pegi jalan2 seluruh Bandung or ke Jakarta.

However, bila dah cuti ni suma benda tak jadi.Baca Al-Quran tak sampai half pun, novel Inggeris langsung tak sentuh, dah lah tak jalan ke Jakarta, Bandung pun cuma pergi ke tempat yang dah selalu pergi je. Tapi, novel Indonesia memang Tuah baca, ada 7 semuanya, semuanya karya Habiburrahman El-Shirazy except Fenomena Ayat2 Cinta karya adik dia, Anif Sirsaeba El-Shirazy. Antara novel Indonesia yang dah habis baca termasuk Ayat2 Cinta, Bila Cinta Bertasbih 1-2, Pudarnya Pesona Cleopatra, Dalam Mihrab Cinta, dan Ketika Cinta Berbuah Syurga.

Novel Inggeris bukan taknak baca, just because all colletion in PDF format, and takde laptop plak nak guna, huhu. Yang movie tu memang hampir 10 movie je yang dah ditonton, takde selera lh nk tengok. Tv series pun tak tengok, tunggu ketibaan laptop sendiri je nanti lepas cuti, kirim kat kawan.

Waakhirnya, separuh daripada mission masa cuti telah berjaya dilakukan dengan jayanya, haha. Dan setlah tinggal 2 hari je lagi cuti ni ada pulak assignment baru yang datang dari fakulti. Dahlah cuti pendek, bagi kerja plak masa cuti belum habis. Nak tak nak kena lah buat.

So, sampai sini je post kali ini sebab Tuah nak start buat assignment malam ni(kalau tak ngantuk lagi). Harap2 sebelum start class dah siap, takdelah bertambah beban nak study lagi. Semoga apa yang Tuah type ni dapat jadi saluran untuk kita semua mendapat berkat dan rahmat dari Allah, amin. Akhir kata, adios amigos!

Assalamualaikum waramatullahi wabarakatuh